Monday, August 12, 2013

The good and the bad of this summer

Second post of the day. It is the tail end of the summer. And being a busty woman that is very exciting for me. I do not like the heat at all.

So I was in a wedding this summer. My best friend married the man of her dreams. I was a bridesmaid. In a bridesmaid dress. Strapless bridesmaid dress. Normally that would scare me to death but this one didn't look to bad. I had worn the exact same dress to another wedding in a different color. I had a strapless bra that actually fit and for the most part held me up. Which as most women over a size DD can attest that never happens.

The only problem I had with the bra is that when I wore the removable straps with it later on the loops that hold the strap hooks in shredded. It was the only way to describe it. And of course this had to happen while I was on vacation. And it was my only bra as my last one had gone the way of all my other bras, the wire decided it wanted to end my life by stabbing me to death.

Now to be without a bra is not an option for someone my size. And I was in a small down that did not have anywhere I could shop for a new one. So I went online to look. I got lucky though. Lane Bryant was having a buy 2 get 2 free sale. When your bra's are $50 on the cheep side that is amazing. So I bought four new bras, and they were actually cute bras. I was so excited. The only problem was that I paid for 2 day shipping, it was 6 days before they got to me. But I got it sorted out and then Lane Bryant refunded the shipping all together so no harm no foal.

So now I have 4 bras at once. Which never happens to me. I am in seventh heaven!

Influenster Box

I received the Slim Fast Influesnter Box not too long ago. It came with a bottle of the strawberries and cream slim fast shake as well as a cute little Martini glass with the slim fast logo on it. It also had reciepes for different cocktails you could make with the shake. The shake itself was aliright. It was a little on the sweet side and had a funky aftertaste. I only took a sip because I wanted to try out one of the cocktail's it said you could make with it.

Now just a note. I did not drink the cocktail because I do not drink alcohol. But my mother agreed to be my test subject lol.

This is the recipe I used:

Strawberry Colada Recipe: 3 1/2 oz of slim fast
a few drop of coconut extract
3-4 strawberries
2-3 pineapple chunks
2 ice cubes

Now my mother said she enjoyed it and next time I will try the mocktail version of the reciepe.<a