Monday, August 12, 2013

The good and the bad of this summer

Second post of the day. It is the tail end of the summer. And being a busty woman that is very exciting for me. I do not like the heat at all.

So I was in a wedding this summer. My best friend married the man of her dreams. I was a bridesmaid. In a bridesmaid dress. Strapless bridesmaid dress. Normally that would scare me to death but this one didn't look to bad. I had worn the exact same dress to another wedding in a different color. I had a strapless bra that actually fit and for the most part held me up. Which as most women over a size DD can attest that never happens.

The only problem I had with the bra is that when I wore the removable straps with it later on the loops that hold the strap hooks in shredded. It was the only way to describe it. And of course this had to happen while I was on vacation. And it was my only bra as my last one had gone the way of all my other bras, the wire decided it wanted to end my life by stabbing me to death.

Now to be without a bra is not an option for someone my size. And I was in a small down that did not have anywhere I could shop for a new one. So I went online to look. I got lucky though. Lane Bryant was having a buy 2 get 2 free sale. When your bra's are $50 on the cheep side that is amazing. So I bought four new bras, and they were actually cute bras. I was so excited. The only problem was that I paid for 2 day shipping, it was 6 days before they got to me. But I got it sorted out and then Lane Bryant refunded the shipping all together so no harm no foal.

So now I have 4 bras at once. Which never happens to me. I am in seventh heaven!

Influenster Box

I received the Slim Fast Influesnter Box not too long ago. It came with a bottle of the strawberries and cream slim fast shake as well as a cute little Martini glass with the slim fast logo on it. It also had reciepes for different cocktails you could make with the shake. The shake itself was aliright. It was a little on the sweet side and had a funky aftertaste. I only took a sip because I wanted to try out one of the cocktail's it said you could make with it.

Now just a note. I did not drink the cocktail because I do not drink alcohol. But my mother agreed to be my test subject lol.

This is the recipe I used:

Strawberry Colada Recipe: 3 1/2 oz of slim fast
a few drop of coconut extract
3-4 strawberries
2-3 pineapple chunks
2 ice cubes

Now my mother said she enjoyed it and next time I will try the mocktail version of the reciepe.<a

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Ok I know it's been a while since I posted but I have had a lot going on. Ended up having to file for disability because of my back....but a breast reduction is still only a cosmetic surgery for me according to insurance company.  Ok find then you pay my disabilty and then I won't complain and possibley sue.

On clothing issues, I love winter. Unless I am going out I can just throw on a sweatshirt. But if I am going out I always feel underdressed compared to everyone else. I have just a hard time finding clothes that fit that I can actually afford I just go out in jeans and a nice tshirt. Everyone else has these really cute "club" clothes it gets depressing. Even plus size clothing doesn't work. They are either strapless (hello bra strap trailer trash in my case) or empire waist (hello four boobed alien).

I really need to write to a designer and say "Hey us busty girls make up more of the population than you think, you would make big bucks if you made a line for us"

Think it will work?

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Pain in the Neck...back...shoulders...and other places.

Ok the last week has been hell. I don't know if it is my arthritis acting up or something I did, but I have been all but curled up in a ball in tears. I hurt so bad that sitting hurts, standing hurts, and even laying down hurts. I actually went in to see the Dr., which I hate doing, and she gave me a referal to the arthritis specialist. Hopefully they will be able to help me because I can't deal with the pain much longer.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Feeling Good

I have just realized that not only are women reading my posts but some men are too. I have had the fortunate opportunity to help someone who didn't understand how a comment may have affected someone. He didn't mean his comment in any hurtful way I must tell you. He wasn't making a derogitory comment either. His comment wasn't even all that bad and to anyone else they probablly would have been flattered. It seems that the woman he made the comment to has been through similar things that I have and took it the wrong way. I explained to him why and even without me saying anything to the effect he took it apon himself to appoligize. She seems to have realized he ment no harm by his comment and is giving him a second chance. It warms my heart that I may have been some help and made a difference to this couple. I hope to hear more from him about how things are going. If I can help any person from going through the things I have I will be a much happier person.

So just remember that not everyone is the same as those who have hurt you before. Sometime you may find that one who is different if you look a litte harder.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Dreaded Ten Year Reunion Dress Hunt

Ok so the first of TWO ten year reunions (went to two high schools, the first one for three years but I graduated from the other) about a week ago. Before hand mom and I went dress shopping. Now I hate clothes shopping to begin with but dress shopping even more so. Then on top of that I was looking for a dress to wear in front of people I hadn't seen in almost 11 years. (This one was the school I went to for the first three years). And then to make matters all the more "fun" my mother doesn't understand that I know if something will fit or not just by looking at it. And I AM BUSTY STRAPLESS DOES NOT WORK!!!!!! One would think that being even bustier than I am she would understand this. I am not trying on something I know will not work. It just makes me even more depressed. So mom ended up extremely pissed off at me because I was being "picky". Picky is refusing something because you don't like it. Not refusing because it won't fit. Or was made for someone twice my age. Sorry it's a reunion seeing people I haven't seen in years and knowing half of them are less than half my size. Exspecially when the last time all these people saw me I was only about 130lbs and a DD. Now I am way heavier and way bustier. Eventually found a dress that would work, not a great dress but one that didn't make me look 500lbs or like a multi breasted alien, or that wouldn't get me arrested for indecent exposure. Plain simple black dress. And now I get to do it all over again for the next reunion. It isn't as formal as the first and we will be outdoors instead of in a hotel, but will be bar hoping after so I want to look good. It's also a small town (33 students in the graduating class) So I can't do anything too daring even if I did win most outrageously dressed in the senior class.......

God I miss those fake snake skin pants.....bright green and gave me a rocken ass....but that was ten years and five pant sizes ago.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Summer Is Comming and Summer Dresses...Yeah Right

I really dislike Summer for a number of reasons. I don't like the heat. Lets face it I am from Washington state and normally summer weather peaks in the 80's. I live in California and the last couple of summers it has gotten 110+. Screw that. Being busty and overheating sucks in mulitple ways. There is the whole sweat issue...ewwww but must be mentioned. And have you seen the styles for summer clothes? Empire waists as far as the eye can see......

UM hell no! Empire waists make a busty girl look like an alien with two sets of boobs. The waist line hits right midbreast on me. That is putting a seem right across my nipples and having the rest poof out under it. ICKY! But for some reason plus sizes clothing is made under the usumption that if you are a plus sized girl it is only in the waist area and that you will be normal in the bustline. Or flat even. Again hell no. I am FULL FIGURED. Meaning busty and plus sized. So what do they do, they make tunic style dresses. Obviously not made by a full figured person or they would understand that dresses like that look like MUMU's on girls my size. Especially on busty girls my size. And I can never find a skirt and top set I like that screams summer.  So unless I make my own clothes (I am a single working mom who is aslo going back to school so hello...No Time)  I end up wearing jeans and shirts all summer long.  :-(